Created a tool that lets you steal data from iCloud

At the moment, many people consider iOS devices to be safe and secure enough. However, sometimes third-party professionals find effective ways to access user data. For example, today the Financial Times reported on the new development of the Israeli company NSO Group. A tool called Pegasus allows you to copy data from the user’s iCloud.

It is assumed that apple cloud storage can be accessed by copying authentication tokens, making Pegasus actually “pretend” to be an authorization user in various Apple services, including iCloud.

The main “consumers” of Pegasus should be governments of different countries and law enforcement agencies. Not least because of the high cost of such tools. However, as practice shows, from time to time outdated tools for hacking often pop up at different online auctions.

Apple confirmed to the Financial Times that tools like Pegasus could actually exist. According to the company, company representatives, in most cases they use bugs in operating systems, which are unknown to developers.

It is worth noting that in the past NSO Group has already created different ways of hacking closed services. For example, not so long ago the company released a virus that is able to monitor WhatsApp users. According to the developers, their solution can be used by law enforcement agencies to fight terrorists and other criminals.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.