Apple sends its contractors recordingconversations with Siri and they are analyzed by live people

The Guardian, citing knowledgeable sources, reported that Apple is handing over to several of its contractors conversations between users and Siri’s voice assistant. At the same time, records that potentially contain a lot of confidential and personal information are analyzed not by the computer, but by people.

According to sources, Apple contractors get access to long enough conversations (up to 30 seconds). In this case, often the voice assistant is activated by accident and on the record fall fragments of personal conversations, business conversations, conversations with doctors and even sex scenes. What’s more, the recordings are supplemented with location data on the device.

It’s worth noting that the user agreement states that recordings of conversations with Siri can be analyzed to improve speech recognition and improve responses. However, it was initially assumed that the whole process was carried out automatically with the help of special algorithms. According to new information, conversations are listened to and analyzed by people.

In response to The Guardian article, Apple noted that it hands over no more than 1% of all records to contractors. The conversations are not related to a specific Apple ID, and their analysis takes place in special indoors. In addition, the contractor is forbidden to divulge any information heard.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.