Apple has no plans to change the call in iOS 13

Many hoped that in the new mobile operating system Apple will finally update the standard iOS call. Most of all, users expected that the incoming call could be rolled into a compact window. However, recently it became known that so far the Coopertinos do not plan to change the available call and the screen of incoming and outgoing calls, in particular.

According to one user of the popular social networking site Reddit, Craig Federighi answered his letter with a question about the call in iOS 13. Apple’s senior vice president of software development noted that his mail often has questions from users about the incoming call screen in iOS. However, the company does not plan to change anything yet.

In the letter, Federighi noted that in the future Apple will definitely consider implementing the proposals in one of the next iOS updates. It is possible that some changes in the call and on the screen of the incoming call will occur only next year, when the Coopertinos announce iOS 14.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.