Apple calls mouse support in iPadOS a feature not for everyone

Many users were very pleased that Apple added support for external manipulators to iPadOS. However, today the Coopertinos noted that they did not think of this opportunity as a mass one. It is for this reason that they did not focus on it during WWDC 2019.

According to Apple representatives, it took several years to work on making the right friends of external manipulators with the mobile operating system. At the same time, initially the company planned that this feature will be used only by those people who find it difficult to use the usual (sensory) way of management.

Apple’s official position is that it does not consider the new possibility of interacting with the mobile device a major innovation. Coopertinoovs rather refer support for external manipulators to special options like VoiceOver, Loops or AssistiveTouch.

It doesn’t matter how Apple conceived the new feature. Many iPad owners are excited about the support of external manipulators. According to users, this option makes the process of using the tablet in some scenarios much more convenient.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.