Presented realistic concept watchOS 6

In a little over a month, Apple is due to unveil watchOS 6. It is not yet known exactly what features the new operating system for the Apple Watch will be. However, according to designer Jake Svorski, Apple needs to make watchOS more informative.

Svorski created a realistic concept watchOS 6, in which the focus was on informativeness. For example, it has slightly improved the Activity app by adding more user-friendly metrics. In addition, the author of the concept slightly reworked the Control Center, adding the ability to remove unnecessary buttons, and supplemented the list of available dials.

In general, Svorski has reworked or supplemented almost all available applications. At the same time, however, he also proposed expanding the set of standard programmes. In particular, the author came up with an app called Nutrition. According to the idea, it should become a kind of analogue of Activity. But in the new app, apple smartwatch owners will be able to set food-related goals.

You can read the concept here.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.