Found a way to activate Sidecar function on older Macs

One of the features of the new macOS Catalina was a feature called Sidecar. It allows you to use the apple tablet as an additional screen and display some tools on it. However, this option does not work on all computers. At least not all macOS 10.15 Maci are officially supported.

According to available data, the Sidecar feature is available on:

However, users of the popular Reddit network site have found a way to bypass such restrictions and activate Sidecar on older apple computers. To do this, you need to open the terminal and enter a command: defaults write com. apple. sidecar. display AllowAllDevices – bool true; defaults write com. apple. sidecar. display hasShownPref – bool true; open /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Sidecar. prefPane

Judging by the reviews, for the team to work, you need to perform a “clean” installation macOS Catalina (not on top of macOS 10.14). In addition, users note that the quality of the picture on the iPad will be worse than if the tablet was connected to the Mac with native support for the new feature.

There is an opinion that this method of bypassing is a flaw in the first test version of macOS 10.15 and in the future the Coopertinos will correct this bug.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.