IFixit: Powerbeats Pro headphones can’t be repaired

Despite the fact that the Powerbeats Pro headphones were released more than a month ago, they fell into the hands of iFixit lab specialists relatively recently. Experts, of course, disassembled the device and assessed its repairability.

Looking ahead, we can say that The Powerbeats Pro is almost impossible to repair. In fact, beats-branded headphones suffer about the same problems as AirPods. However, there are some differences. For example, you don’t need to break the Powerbeats Pro case to get at least minimal access to the headphone stuffing.

But that’s where all the positive news ends. According to experts, all the main components of Powerbeats Pro are soldered together, and the connection uses fragile tape cables that can not be disconnected.

It’s about the same situation with the case. A large amount of glue was used to assemble the latter, which greatly complicates the process of accessing internal components.

However, even though such difficulties, iFixit experts were still able to find out some previously unknown specifications. In particular, they determined that the Powerbeats Pro uses a battery of 200 mWh (noticeably more than in the AirPods), and in the case of headphones – a battery of 1.3 Wh.

As for repairability, Beats headphones are almost impossible to repair. Experts gave them only 1 point out of 10 possible on the scale of repairability iFixit.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.