In iOS 13, Apple bans developers from accessing individual fields in Contacts

IOS 13 has brought with it a lot of different changes. Some of them are aimed at improving user data security and addressing “old” vulnerabilities. For example, today it became known that Apple has restricted access to some data from Contacts for developers.

For years, information security experts have warned users not to leave any personal information in contact notes. This was due to the fact that such records were kept in the open (without encryption).

However, all this did not stop the owners of apple devices. They wrote and continue to write in notes to individual contacts a number of different information – from passwords and codes from bank cards to personal notes. Third-party developers could access all this information. To do this, users simply needed to allow the app access to The Contacts.

In iOS 13, that’s changed. As part of WWDC 2019, the Coopertinos noted that notes in Contacts may contain personal or confidential information. Thus, they restricted access to this field. In some cases, however, Apple may remove this restriction. To do this, developers need to provide a good reason.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.