Switching from Windows to Mac boosts productivity

Some time ago, Vanson Bourne interviewed a large number of employees of American corporations and tried to find out how satisfied users are with Apple computers. It turned out that switching from Windows to macOS helps to increase productivity and has a positive impact on the quality of work.

The Vanson Bourne survey was attended by employees of various companies. Among them were FIRMS from IT, HR, sales, engineering agencies, etc.

According to user reviews after switching from Windows to Mac:

97% of respondents increased productivity;

“95% have become better at doing creative tasks;

94% of respondents found it easier to give complex tasks related to technology.

In addition, the survey participants noted that during the year they have hardly encountered any difficulties when working with Mac. In most cases, even if problems arose, they were more often related to the operation of the networks, rather than to the computers themselves.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.