A standard Calculator app may appear on iPad

According to rumors, iOS 13 will bring a lot of new features and features created specifically for the iPad. However, in the run-up to WWDC 2019, network sources reported one important innovation that iPad owners have been waiting for since the release of Apple tablets.

According to available data, Apple may finally add a full-time calculator to the iPad. It is not known exactly why the Coopertinos did not add the calculator app to their first tablet. There is a version that the utility culled personally Steve Jobs, since the design of the program was not redesigned under a large display. Later, the iPad version of the proprietary calculator never appeared on the iPad, and users began to actively download third-party solutions from the App Store.

According to the latest rumors, in iOS 13 the situation will change and on iPad will appear a branded calculator. Sources note that the probability of this is very high. But it’s definitely going to be announced only tonight.

As part of the upcoming event, Apple should show not only new versions of its operating systems, but also a number of “iron” new products. It is possible that among the latter will be the long-awaited modular Mac Pro.


About: Joshua

Hello. I'm a tech writer,geek and Apple fan have been blogging and writing in these niches since 2010. Hope we'll become friends.